Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA)
Some families establish UTMA accounts for their children, but this is not necessary to purchase a MET contract. There are two ways a child's UTMA funds may be used to purchase a contract.
A minor, Jane J. Doe, who has funds in her name under UTMA, could be listed as the purchaser as long as the designated custodian of the funds signs and dates the MET contract as "Custodian for Jane J. Doe under UTMA." Enter the Social Security number of the minor on the Purchaser's Information screen.
The designated custodian could be listed as the purchaser as long as the purchaser's name reads "John J. Doe, designated custodian for Jane J. Doe under UTMA." The purchaser must sign and date the contract in the same manner. Enter the Social Security number of the minor on the Purchaser's Information screen.
If a Contract is purchased under UTMA, the child/beneficiary is entitled to the Michigan income tax deduction.
A trust can be named as the purchaser of a contract. However, the contract must be signed by the trustee of the trust. Enter the federal employer identification number of the trust instead of the Social Security number of the minor on the Purchaser's Information screen.